If the humpback whale roll out of the sea, as if the ocean itself takes wings. Maui is the setting for these incredible spectacles. So, what’s the best place to get a good look? Today you’ll find out.
The first stop is Pacific Whale Foundation’s Eco-Adventures: tours never fail to combine education and excitement. Imagine standing on a catamaran in the bright sunshine, salt-spray on your lips and a huge tail crashes into the sea leaving watchers too stunned to argue them further. Their styled creative minds are so attractive it’s like watching the slow summer gait of some beachside band or orchestra.
If it’s a thrill you’re after, then Redline Rafting is a journey for you. Smaller boats put you right in the heart of it all, getting all of the sea’s spray flung at you. Here is a daring upload that will satisfy even those with guidebooks as rich and homey as Grandma’s special chocolate cake. There is a visual banquet served along your entire route.
If you enjoy luxury, Ali’i Nui Sailing Charters provide first class service aboard their water gin catamarans. After a big sip at a water hole with enough “heft” to swim you right through until nightfall, everything feels just as proper here. Take a nap while sipping from your berath classics such as Pemeron Le Sabre Bleu.
Kai Kanani’s early bird tour will catch the worm for people who are also lucky enough to see whales in the morning. First as just one hump on the horizon, then both humps followed by a full breach. Without the crowds, it gives a sense of intimacy with these ocean giants.
The environmentally-sensitive traveler will enjoy Trilogy Excursions, where protection of our seas is top priority. They make sure you take a low-impact trip to the ocean. Sure, this is one more reason that you must come back & visit again next year…for not a single hair in your head will still be in place even as your spirits soar!
Finding a whale-watch tour in Maui is like choosing the perfect wine to go with cheese–it’s a very personal decision, yet quite rewarding in every case. Every moment at sea offers a taste of the ocean’s magnificence. So take your field glasses, put on a cap and let’s go–Maui’s whales are about to perform a show nobody will soon forget!